Data Types

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  • Post category:VHDL

In VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language), a data type is a name associated with a set of values and a set of operations. VHDL is a strongly typed language, meaning that connected data objects must be of the same type. This strict typing helps prevent errors and improves code reliability. Let’s explore the various data types in VHDL and their characteristics.

Scalar Data Types

Scalar data types in VHDL represent single values. These are the fundamental building blocks for more complex data structures.

  • bit
    • Takes values ‘0’ & ‘1’
    • Deprecated: It’s recommended to use std_logic instead
  • boolean
    • Takes values True and False
    • Often used in test benches and behavioural modelling
    • Synthesizable
  • std_logic
    • Can have the following values (same as std_ulogic):
      • ‘U’ Uninitialized
      • ‘X’ Forcing Unknown
      • ‘0’ Forcing zero
      • ‘1’ Forcing one
      • ‘Z’ High Impedance
      • ‘W’ Weak unknown
      • ‘L’ Weak zero
      • ‘H’ Weak one
      • ‘-‘ Don’t care
    • Defined in the IEEE.std_logic_1164 package
    • Is resolved, whereas std_ulogic is unresolved
    • std_logic must be used for three-state signals
  • integer
    • Has the range of -2^31+1 to 2^31-1
    • Comparisons are possible: <, >, >=, <=, =, /=
  • real
    • Allows use of floating-point values
    • Has a range of approximately -1e38 to 1e38
    • Generally not synthesizable
  • character & string
    • Are synthesizable
    • Example: constant MY_CHAR : character := ‘Q’;
    • Strings have fixed size once defined
    • Example: constant MSG : string(1 to 10) := “setup time”;
  • physical
    • The only pre-defined physical type is time
    • Generally not synthesizable
    • Example: constant TPD : time := 3 ns;
  • enumerated
    • User-defined type with a list of possible values
    • Example: type STATE_TYPE is (IDLE, ACTIVE, DONE);
uninitialized unknownUUUUUUUUUU
forcing low0UX0x0000x
forcing high1Uxx11111x
high impedancezUx01zwLHx
weak unknownwUx01wwwwx
weak lowLUx01LwLwx
weak highHUx01HwwHx
Don't Care-Uxxxxxxxx

Composite Data Types

Composite data types are constructed from scalar types and other composite types. The two main composite types in VHDL are arrays and records.


Arrays are collections of elements of the same type. VHDL supports both one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.

-- One-dimensional array
type BYTE_ARRAY is array (0 to 7) of std_logic;

-- Two-dimensional array
type MEMORY is array (0 to 255, 0 to 7) of std_logic;

-- Unconstrained array
type VECTOR is array (natural range <>) of std_logic;


Records allow grouping of related data of different types.

type REGISTER_TYPE is record
    DATA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    VALID : boolean;
    ID : integer range 0 to 15;
end record;

Data Type Conversion

VHDL provides mechanisms for converting between different data types when necessary.


  • Used to convert between std_logic_vector and signed/unsigned types
  • Type cast between std_logic_vector and signed/unsigned can be used as long as the original and destination signals have the same bit width
signal ex1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal ex2 : signed(3 downto 0);
signal ex3 : unsigned(3 downto 0);

ex2 <= signed(ex1);
ex3 <= unsigned(ex1);
ex1 <= std_logic_vector(ex2);


  • Used to convert between signed/unsigned and integer types
  • Function from integer to signed/unsigned includes a specification of the intended bit width
signal ex1 : signed(3 downto 0);
signal ex2 : integer;

ex1 <= to_signed(ex2, ex1'length);
ex2 <= to_integer(ex1);

Here’s a comprehensive conversion table for common VHDL data types:

From \ Tostd_logic_vectorsignedunsignedinteger

Types & Subtypes


  • Type defines a set of values
  • STD package defines a collection of types
  • New types can be created using enumeration, arrays, records, etc.
type mem_array is array (integer range 0 to 1023) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

type color is (RED, GREEN, BLUE);


  • Provide a mechanism for limiting the range of a type
  • Used in simulation to do boundary checking
  • Useful for specifying constraints on existing types
subtype  is  [range ];

subtype ROM_MEMORY_RANGE is integer range 0 to 255;
subtype SMALL_INT is integer range -128 to 127;

Understanding and properly using VHDL data types is crucial for writing efficient, error-free, and synthesizable VHDL code. By leveraging the strong typing system of VHDL, designers can create more robust and reliable hardware descriptions.